Bloomberg Businessweek had the following article about Post-It Wars.
The Wars seem to have originated in France, but they’ve now crossed the Big Pond to the US. Employees in office buildings are using Post-Its to make a statement.
I sent a challenge to Allonhillers last night, to take advantage of the fact that we have people with a lot of talent, including some who bring artistic talent. We also have lots of glass, and we can get all the Post-It Notes we want.
Little did I know that our building, Park Central, would give us the opportunity to have lots and lots of free time today, and tap into our staff’s deep talent for communications and artistic expression. The first entry in our Post-It challenge is in. Emily Taets and Haley Barton, who normally spend their time focusing on credit risk management of hundreds of millions of dollars of sub-performing loans, found themselves with time on their hands today because of an extensive, off-and-on power outage at our building. Check out their commentary on the situation, below.
I hope the power comes back on soon. But if we have to be in the dark, at least we were creative. Thanks Haley and Emily!
Excellent job ladies!
Excellent job ladies!
Creative Productivity
Outstanding! Who says creative people live solely in the arts.